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safeTALK Suicide Prevention Training
safeTALK Suicide Prevention Training

الثلاثاء، 18 فبراير


YMCA of Greater Kalamazoo

safeTALK Suicide Prevention Training

safeTALK is a half-day training program that teaches participants to recognize and engage persons who might be having thoughts of suicide and to connect them with community resources trained in suicide intervention.

الوقت والموقع

18 فبراير 2025، 8:00 ص – 12:00 م

YMCA of Greater Kalamazoo, 1001 W Maple St, Kalamazoo, MI 49008

نبذة عن الحدث

safeTALK is a half-day training program that teaches participants to recognize and engage persons who might be having thoughts of suicide and to connect them with community resources trained in suicide intervention. This training is for everyone and is FREE thank you to our generous sponsor The YMCA of Greater Kalamazoo.

Over the course of their training, safeTALK participants will learn to:

-Notice and respond to situations where suicide thoughts might be present

-Recognize that invitations for help are often overlooked

-Move beyond the common tendency to miss, dismiss, and avoid suicide

-Apply the TALK steps: Tell, Ask, Listen, and KeepSafe

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2-1-1 > 

ص.ب. صندوق 378

بورتاج، مي 49081

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